The former Shanghai International Settlement (上海公共租界 or Shànghǎi gōnggòng zūjiè) was governed by the Shanghai Municipal Council (上海工部局 or Shànghǎi gōng bùjú) from 1854 – December 1941. The Shanghai Municipal Council (S.M.C.) was mainly controlled by the British although it was an international settlement with foreign residents from all over the world. Chinese were not permitted seats on the council until 1928.

Shanghai's French Concession or La Concession Française de Shanghai [Changhai] (上海法租界 or Shànghǎi Fǎ Zūjiè) existed from 1849 until 1946. Much as it was in the Concession's glory days when it was considered by some to be the "Paris of the East", the former French Concession is still known for its romantic tree-lined streets and art-deco buildings. The French Concession was separate for the International Settlement and was responsible to the French Consulate General in Shanghai.

French Concession or La Concession Française de Shanghai [Changhai]

Throughout Shanghai's former French Concession manhole cover brakets with the letters CMF and a date can be found. CMF stands for Conseil Municipal Français. Other manholes with French words on them can also be found in the Concession today.

French Concession, EAU (French for water) - Yongjia Lu & Taiyuan Lu (永嘉路 太原路)

French Concession, Manhole - Unknown Location, Found Online - Click Here

French Concession, Manhole Bracket - Jinling Lu & Madang Lu (金陵路 马当路)

French Concession, Manhole Bracket - Jinling Lu & Danshui Lu (金陵路 淡水路)

French Concession, Manhole Bracket - Jiangde Lu & Sinan Lu (旌德路 思南路)

International Settlement, CMF Manhole Bracket - Beijing Dong Lu & Guangxi Lu (广西路 北京东路) Note that this is a CMF manhole cover from 1935 clearly in the former Shanghai International Settlement. How did it get there? Possibly recycling after 1949?